Monday, September 10, 2012

Malleus Melvins Lite and Luce Poster Release Details

Luce Print

Malleus have just finished a poster for the Melvins Lite at the Top Hat Lounge, Missoula, MT (USA) and the teeth are the date: 09092012.
Nice, uh?
And to make something even more interesting, they decided to print the skull on the left for the first 100 numbered prints and then on the right for the other 50 (or viceversa, Urlo doesn’t remember now…)

They also did an art print titled Luce on new paper, a materic one, very rough, coarse kind of paper. The grey and metallic colors really pop up on it.

 The Melvins Lite print and Luce will be on sale today at 6 PM European time, that is Noon EDT on the east coast.

Buy them HERE


  1. Cool thanks man. I changed it Saturday and tweeked it all weekend. If anyone finds something amiss with the new look like me know. I was tired at looking at the old one
